People that think about things they shouldn't think about.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Have you ever thought back to a funny moment during a serious time and had a very difficult time keeping a straight face?

I had one of those moments today. I was in a meeting for my reviews at work, then during a serious moment I started thinking about a day when I worked at McD's when I had a really bad case of gas, well I dropped a trainwreck of a fart just as a supervisor bent over to get something out of the cabinet behind me. Now, in my defense I did warn others around me, but it cleared the kitchen... and some of the lobby. Well needless to day I was not allowed to have chili at work ever again.

anyway, this moment, like many other moments I have had in my life, brought me great mirth and smiles. Something else that brings smiles to my face are when I remember the first time my girlfriend let me kiss her. While its definately in the top 10 things I "want" to remember it still doesnt beat the look she gave me when her parents said they wouldnt have any issue with me dating her. I will always cherish that look.

Things I wish I could forget... and never repeat....

Getting angry over sugar. Getting angry over a speeder. Getting angry..

I don't want to hurt my friends and loved ones anymore.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Things that...

No rant today...

Just the following public service announcement.

Anger is a bad thing, it hurts everyone around you. It hurts those you do not know, and those that you love. It causes you to lose focus of reality and can damage your reputation and good intentions.

Getting angry is natural. How you display that anger is the bad thing.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

There is no spoon....

Okay, ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages, and the spare zombie or two in the crowd...

I have something wonderful and amazing to tell you! So lean close and pay attention...