People that think about things they shouldn't think about.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Its a brand new day.

Well, we are rapidly approaching 1 year in circulation. The greatest news about this is our readership has increased 600%!!!! w00t!

So, its Friday, I am thinking about going bowling tonight with a couple friends and my girlfriend, hope things go well, and tomorrow, weather permitting, I may go in a bike ride to somewhere, not sure where yet though. probably a solo run, but who knows. Any ideas where I should go? keep in mind three things. I can ride for about an hour before I need gas, need to rest my ass, need to stretch. So, three hour drives are good, but only as long as I stay in Iowa.

Anyway on to other landmarks for the 1st anniversary of the blog!
1 year ago, I was working for Mediacom. (still am)
1 year ago, Rachel and I were just starting our relationship. (still feels like it just started... I love it!)
1 year ago, road rage was going to kill me, or some dipshit driving like a moron. Today I just sit back and relax and think to myself that they just have to poop. No more road rage for me. (cept in small manageable fits when dingdong highschooler in daddy's car, chatting on her cell with the stereo blaring hop-rap-pop-crap music decides to dive across the double solid white lines and cut me off.)
1 year ago, I was happy then and I am happy now!

Well, off to take my 100,000th call since July 07. Thank you for calling.... oh great, your service is down and you want credit? okay, have a good day.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Why is it that you can be single, have so many gal friends who love to talk/text to you about there problems and then sit there and say oh im so bored. But yet when u say hey let me buy you dinner just as a friend that way you have something to do and the excuses fly? I feel used, this happens more often then not, so my general response is "oh thats fine im used to that response." Then i get the general response back "oh your being stupid shut up!" as in a playful manner... Yes i love being single, but damn, i like to hang out with friends and dont always enjoy it being a sausage fest. No offense guys but comon u have to know where i m coming from. Its just nice to see/hang out with the opposite sex once and a while. Anymore i dont expect to hang out with anyone, i dont invite myself anywhere for the simple reason of hey im sure there will be an excuse made and the "plans" wont happen anyway. Again it happens more often then not and im starting to realise what a "real friend" is over a fake just need someone to gripe at/keep me busy till my "real" friends are there.

YOU: *crunchmunch* *hackwheezecough* ME:**cringes**

Okay, today is the day that I finally take a few minutes of your life away from your busy schedule to explain a few things that really really really annoy the rat piss out of me.

1. When you call for technical support, dont hold the phone in such a way that the mic is next to your nose. I dont like hearing the rythmic rattle of your nasel congestion in a hurricane. Please, I would rather be on speaker phone than listen to you breathe.

2. Speaking of speaker phone. I have several issues with that, 1, turn your damn tv off or the volume down. I really dont want to try to fight listening to you talk while some talk show host is in the background with music blaring. Turn off your cell while your at it.

3. Instead of calling in from your home phone and describing that you are having phone issues and cannot place or recieve calls, don't get pissy when the tech you call and speak to suddenly disappears when (s)he resets your modem. We reset them to fix issues and if your on it, its gonna cause it to not work.

4. (insert service here) not working? Don't wait until the last minute before you are supposed to leave for your vacation and expect us to have your service work the moment you need it. Get a freaking clue and call when the problem happens so we can fix it then, not later.

5. Chewing things, snot bubbles, gas bubbles. Let me explain something here. If you wouldnt want someone doing those things right in front of your face, why do you think its okay to do it in our ears? Call us after you have had breakfast, spit out the gum, blow you freaking nose, and take some Gas-X.

Get it? I doubt it, but I hope you do get it.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Game - noun, adjective, gam·er, gam·est, verb, gamed, gam·ing. –noun a competitive activity involving skill, chance, or endurance on the part of two or more persons who play according to a set of rules, usually for their own amusement or for that of spectators.

Why is there such a big deal about games? Where I work we are not allowed to play games. That is very well understood. What gets me is they want us to browse other information, well after being on the tech floor for almost 8 months you run out of stuff to browse. So in result i started playing a lil thing called dots, simple click here and play against the AI and get more boxes. Yes under the definition this is a game, what I dont get is that its soo simple and easy but yet we get in trouble for playing. What I understand when no games allowed means no full screen full force online games that take up a lot of space on the computer require certain system requirements, something that has to be downloaded to the pc or require lots of use from the pc itself. Why is something so harmless as in clicking somewhere to make a certain "square" for a point a big deal? Something else I dont get is that one management position says its fine, another no you cant play that. Something needs to be done to come up with a standard that is constanly used for every management position... When this happens I will be happy. Untill then, I guess I just will have to be bored outta my mind and sit here and stare at a blank screen while waiting to do my job.

"You're Welcome."

Have you ever wondered why a customer service representative asks you if there is anything else they can help you with? Its an invitation to continue to seek support for what ever it is you need help with. It is not an opportunity to bash the company or its representatives.

Now on to something more homey. I want to welcome all of the readers (4 or 5 of you) to Schwah! I hope he has good stuff to contribute to your reading pleasure.

BTW, this month, (Oct 27) is the release of Fallout 3. How this may mean absolutely nothing to many of you, but if you play RPG games, you really need to get this game. I will be writing a review of sorts when I start playing. Probably a running commentary.

Well, back to the grind.

My First Totally Off the Wall Blog...

Well this be my first blog post eva. First i wanna thank rusty for the access privelages. if it wasnt for you none of this would be possible, now to the serious part.

Why do people think that when they call in they can say "oh I was transferred and it was supposed to be to a sup!" hey moron i can look at your call history for this current call and see this is the first time you called in and when i point out i m showing u just called in you get all pissy and say "oh well ive been transferred about eight times this morning and dont want to tell you whats going on." well guess what, im not going to get you to a sup without knowing whats going on so you go ahead and hang up and try your games with someone else. not going to work with me. and if you dont like it go ahead and complaing to my upper management, they are going to tell you the same thing.

Why is it that people are so ignorant these days that they try every trick they can think of to get past the one person trying to help them? Its pretty sad anymore with some of the excuses i hear. Funny part is after i talk to them i get the issue resolved and all i feel like saying is HA YOU IGNORANT FOOL NOW WHAT but do i? no because im not going to drop to there level of education. so yes, you go ahead and be pissy and bitchy with me, i dont care, your not going to get a rise out of me on the phone, my job is to help you to the best of my ability, not transfer you to the first available sup because you dont want to wait.

On a side note, we had an excellent night bowling last night, BIG improvement over the last two weeks, everything went smooth as butter. we totally obliterated the other teams score. best part is the last game our least experiance bowler bowled the high game for that round WAY TO GO!! :D and we are all starting to get into sync with each other and have a good time.

a good friend once told me he was addicted to video games, at the time i asked myself how is this possible? well i now realise that it is possible and am coming to the realisation that i am to addicted to video games, i find myself at any chance trying to play, when i get bored my first thought is to play video games, this is the only thing that keeps me from being bored. call me what you want but for somereason i am able to sit down and play a game, lose track of time and play for hours on end. My dream job would be to get a job as a video game tester. i dont know why this is but no one else in my family is like this, dont get me wrong i love doing other things i.e. camping, bowling, playing softball, being outdoors, riding my motorcycle EVERYWHERE and many many others but i have the need to play a video game for at least 20 minutes a day. when im at work and bored i look for the non-gamey type games to play, for whatever the reason this is the case. maybe its because im single and not tyed to having to do anything who knows.

well i know i could go on and on and on about random things but i have taken enough space and its been a totally at random blog, if i get bored maybe i will go on with another, who knows only time will tell,
untill next time....

Monday, September 29, 2008

Yawns, stretches, moans and groans.

Could someone answer me a question? What business is it of ours to investigate, harass, follow, probe and annoy celebrities? What business is it of ours to care who is sleeping with who? What business is it of ours to pay someone else to make it their business to put on public display someone elses lives?

Now how many of you would be fighting up a storm with law enforcement if some jackass with a high power camera decided to take pictures of you and your family in candid situations, or hovered around your car as you were trying to get in and out of Wal-Mart or Starbucks, or even at your place of work?

WE, as a nation, have become so lazy that we have to live vicariously through the lives of people we only know from a flickering screen, people who are paid to act like different people. People who have private lives, and that life should remain private. If you buy tabloids, you are pathetic, you should make the ultimate sacrifice and let someone else breathe the air you consume. So, do the world, and me a favor and run down to your local McD's and gorge your fat guts with triple bacon cheese burgers and your diet cola until the cholestrol oozes out of your pores and makes your skin feel like the greased porkling that you are.