People that think about things they shouldn't think about.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Its the most ___(insert verb here)___ time of the year.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome to the best, worst, happiest, saddest, wonderful, revulsive time of the year. Today is Christmas Eve, and you know what? The only people who seem to have Christmas spirit are those that are rich enough to pay the exhorbatant fees that retailers charge for hundreds of items that no one truely needs. Bah humbug on you fat, lazy bastards and your iPods and your Hummer H3's. Infact I say bah humbug on anyone contributing to the commercialization of Christmas and I will see you in that special corner of hell dedicated to you.

History Lesson: Christmas 101**.
1. Christmas is a holiday that is celebrated by many religions and affects every section of the world.
2. The date of December 25th comes from Rome and was a celebration of the Italic god, Saturn, and the rebirth of the sun god. This was done long before the birth of Jesus.
3. A simple study of the tactics of the Romish Church reveals that in every case, the church absorbed the customs, traditions and general paganism of every tribe, culture and nation in their efforts to increase the number of people under their control. In short, the Romish church told all of these pagan cultures, "Bring your gods, goddesses, rituals and rites, and we will assign Christian sounding titles and names to them.

So, whats wrong with Christmas?
1. It is assumed that Jesus was born in December. This is a false belief, according to scripture, he was born some time in September.
2. Trees, wreaths, holly, mistletoe and the like are strictly forbidden, as they are pagan and heathen symbols and idols! Yet Christians every year put up a tree and hang wreaths from thier doorways.
3. No where in the Bible does the The Lord ever speak of commemorating his birth but rather He commanded us to remember the sacrifice of His suffering and death, which purchased our salvation.

So, bah humbug.

**History Lesson information from

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Crazy People...

Some people are just plain crazy.. I am not talking the crazy lady pushing the bascart full of dirty blankets and dead cats, I am talking those people that psychologists would classify as sane that do things that just absolutely blow me away. I am talking about that jackass in the new sports car that flies up on your bumper while your doing 75mph down the freeway, barely giving you time to move right before they decide to do that for you, then flip you off as they pass you like your grandpa grapenuts in his old buick century that is going 15 mph below the speed limit.

I am also talking about those smart morons that drive lexus/bmw/mercedes suv's that think they own the road/parking lot/middle of the isle. These people think that because they can afford a $35,000 luxury vehicle that they are more important than the guy driving down the road in his hard earned $15,000 truck.

People.. get a clue... Your world does not repeat NOT revolve around you... pay attention to others and get your head out of your ass.

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Disguise of Misunderstanding.

How do you misunderstand a question that asks a favor and you say okay, then within an hour you change your mind and have a complete panic attack and suddenly forget you gave permission and granted the favor?

This happened to me today, and you know what.. It was the straw that broke the camels back. I have tried to be patient for the sake of my relationship and for the sake of my apartment arrangements, but I cant do it anymore. I couldnt do it anymore and I exploded. I popped my top like I have not done since I was a kid at my siblings, I did the one thing I swore to myself, God, and anyone who I thought would support me that I would never again get that angry at someone. And I lost it.

And now to top it all off, I feel bad because the guy might lose his job because he didnt know when to leave well enough alone. Victimizer becomes the victim and we should feel sorry for him. I am done feeling sorry for him. Somehow I have managed to not only 'steal' his girlfriend, but ruin his life. The sad part is I have footed the bill, and encouraged him to work on making his way thru life easier, yet I have got nothing but lied to, and told "I'm sorry" so many times that I exploded. I can't do it anymore. I am going to pray for the next few days and see what God tells me, and in the mean time, I am going to try to stay away from the problem as best I can. Please pray for me and for him.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

I promise I wont do it again....

So, here it is another day, and you wouldnt believe what I have to bitch about today... My roommate. Since I have two roommates, let me try to clarify a bit here... i am complaining about the one that does not sleep in my room. Now with that said here comes the good stuff.

I am a procrastinator, i dont mind putting some things off until later, stuff like laundry, dishes, etc. But my roommate just hit an increadible new low.. He asked my girlfriend(aka roommate that sleeps in my room) to do the dishes he left in the sink from last night.. then proceeded to go into his room and watch anime and eat breakfast. granted there is some lee-way with him eating and all, but asking our roommate to clean his mess that he should have cleaned is just plain wrong. However, he did attempt to redeem himself by taking out the trash, but at least he could have worked on the pile in the hallway that leads to the living room from the front door, that stuff has been there since July!!! cept, appearantly its not 'all' his so he shouldnt have to. **sighs**

What is beyond procrastination? Can someone turn it into an artform? if so, I want to take classes on how to be a better procrastinator. Not really to be honest.. It just amazes me that I have to get upset beyond upset and blow up at him to get him to do anything that resembles cleaning in our apartment. Last night he left food out. This is one of my biggest pet peeves, you dont leave out food.

Well, enough tonight. have fun and happy hunting.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Traffic, relationships, and trainwrecks.


Why is it when your not in a hurry to get some where, everyone is willing to run you into the wall to get where they are going? Are we so preoccupied with our lives outside the car that we forget to pay attention to the lives of those in the car next to us? This phenomenon seems to occur quite frequently during the hours of 3p and 7p. Rush hour(s). Now mind you this is Des Moines, IA. population 500k give or take, and its not like there is a whole lot to do at home once they get home other than watch corn grow, or yell at their kids, or even maintain their meth lab, but still that shouldnt prevent them from driving properly... should it?

Infraction #1: Going the speed limit or slower in the left lane. There is a reason 4 lane roads have an inside lane. Its for the people who want to speed to go around the people who don't want to speed. If you are getting tailgated in the left lane, there is a reason for this.. YOU ARE DRIVING TOO SLOW!

Infraction #2: Wide turns. If I remember correctly and since I have access to the internet, I can look up the instructions for the State of Iowa's recommendation for making turns from one road to another. Here goes! When you make a change of direction from one road to another stay in the lane closest to you as you make the turn... EXAMPLES: When in the left turn lane on a two lane road onto a 4-lane road stay in the left lane until you have reached the speed limit then merge right.. this means DO NOT SWING IMMEDIATELY INTO THE RIGHT LANE WHEN TURNING, you could cut someone off, or actually cause an accident with someone turning from the right lane into the right lane.. Which brings me to the whole Right lane to Right lane turn.. dont swing into the left lane, you could again cause an accident or some other stupid that costs someone a lot of time and money.

Infraction #3: (I am guilty of this one) Turn signals are not OPTIONAL equipment on cars. Use them when making turns, or changing lanes. Turn signals let other motorists know you are doing something other than staying in your lane of travel.

Infraction #4: What exactly is the purpose of slowing down to 20 mph 2 and 1/2 miles away from your turn? then not even use your turn signal?!?? (see infraction #3)

Infraction #5: Rude gestures towards motorists because they honked at you for violating the above rules. Wow buddy, your mom must really be proud of you! You just cut off a guy in a full-size pickup with a gun rack in the back window in your little beat up VW to make a right turn from the far left lane into the quicky-mart to get your cigarettes and beer, and you have the balls to flip off the guy off because he had to slam on his brakes to keep from turning your little VW into yet another bug on his cattle-guard. If you can't plan ahead, get off the road.

And since we have broached the topic of planning ahead, here is a tip for motorists; because people are blind to the world outside once they shut the door to their little rolling section of their world, accidents happen. In order to prevent any delays from being added to your already important schedule (see corn, meth and kids) it is a good idea to learn alternate routes around the city. These alternate routes will get you home and help prevent everyone from having to wait for hours in a hot/cold truck/car with cranky kids/dogs/spouse because you don't want to get off on the side streets or want to check out the carnage. If you're one that likes to watch the carnage, why dont you get a life and look at something else, or run your little VW into a concrete barrier and get your very own front row seat.

I had a friend ask me where all the good guys are, "Guys like you," she said. I didnt know how to respond to that question. I mean, I only recently found out I was a 'good' guy, kind, caring, loving, attentive, responsive, etc. So, I asked her where she had been looking for these 'good' guys.. well her description of the places she goes reminded me of the Trojan commercial where beautiful women are surrounded by a bunch of pigs cept the one that gets a condom. Guess what ladies, any guy you pick up in a bar is still going to be a pig even if he has a condom. The so called 'good' guys that are like me are usually going to be found playing videogames, or hanging around with friends. They are not looking for an easy lay at the local bar, not driving expensive cars, they drive beat up things that get them from point-a to point-b with probably a good $10 worth of pop-cans in it. These good guys, like me, arent about the flash and bling, they usually wear jeans and a t-shirt, they probably use computers on a regular basis, infact they probably have several chat programs so they can talk to their friends. If you really want to meet one of these 'good' guys, they are there, just have to recognize them for who they are, not what they (choose one: wear, drive).

Now for the trainwreck. This one isnt so much about trains, or wrecks for that matter, just simple things that go terribly wrong. My sister is the focus of this one, so sit back, relax and read to your hearts content, and by all means, please offer suggestions, prayers, etc. My sister is a good person who like many cant tell the difference between a good guy, and a bad guy in good guy clothing. She lets herself fall into these traps where she falls in love with a guy and wants to spend the rest of her life with the guy, only to get told by her friends that the guy is a loser.. In this event, this guy helps my sister lose a pretty good job, and even her home. He is the master manipulator, even though this guy and my sister aren't seeing each other, he still makes her feel responsible for his two kids instead of placing the responsibility on his own shoulders, and the funny part is they live more than 5 states apart from each other. My sister is trying to build herself a new life, and I hope she succeeds because I hate seeing her in pain. Please if you want, help me figure out how to reach my sister and give her hope in this time of need. Maybe in the process I can rebuild the bond that siblings are suppose to have and let her know that I still love her and hope the best for her.

Well, this ends my first official rant/blog/whatever. Thanks for reading it.

Introductions are in order

It is time to put my thoughts and insight to words to let others feel free to browse them in no particular order, since they are going to come out of my head in no particular order.

First a bit about myself. I have been called Lazy, cynical, delusional, violent, disruptive, even dee-dee-dee. But one thing remains true, I am who I am because of my world around me.

Now, I am 38 years old, I am white, I am male. I have been several things in my life including goth, rebel, conformist, and anarchist. I have thought that socialism was a good idea, and I once thought democracy was a good idea.

I am in love with a beautiful woman who has a great family. I hope to some day marry her and start a family of my own. In the mean time I am going to work on building our relationship and friendship and continue to make my way through the world that I did not create, but may have some small impact upon it.