People that think about things they shouldn't think about.

Friday, November 7, 2008

That sour taste in your mouth? It isnt bile.

Lately, things havent been going so well for me. My knee has caused me to not be able to continue bowling, wakes me up at night, and has helped reduce the amount of physical affections I have had with Rachel. Thankfully I have a good support system, but the one that I know I can depend on is the VA(Veterans Affairs) cept when I went to them yesterday, I got fed the same crap I have heard from them for ages. "We don't feel that..." Now, I dont mind getting told that an option is not something that the VA recommends, but here is a major catch in the whole process. The VA does clinical studies on patients with knee issues for new proceedures, however the age group they focus on are the 60+ year old veterans, many of which are in generally poor physical condition and/or mental condition and are unable to change their lifestyle to make clinical trials work. Here I am a 38 year old with the knees of a 70 year old, and the last procedure that was offered was a shot of Cortizone.

I dont know. Lets give some 70 year old who has been dependant on a scooter or wheel chair the option of knee surgery so that he might be able to get to walk again before he dies, or let a 40 year old never have an opportunity to play catch with his kid in the backyard.

Anyway, I digress. I spoke with a mental health representative with the VA and I am now scheduled to meet with one of the Dr's to determine what can be done with my anger management and communication issues. I hope this works, anything to help me make myself better for Rachel. Besides I dont want to have a heart attack...

So, that foul taste in your mouth... its not happiness.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Redistribution... Pt. 2

Now mind you I didn't intend for Redistribution... article to become a 2-parter. However when a co-worker stated she was going to vote for Obama/Liden, I asked her what her thoughts were on Redistribution of Wealth, and she expressed it was a great idea. Make the rich pay more because they can afford it. However, there is one small problem that she didn't think of, or maybe she was just too lazy to learn about it.

Redistribution of wealth, definition for those of you who do not know what it means.

The redistribution of wealth is the transfer of wealth from some persons to others.

This can occur in three ways:

Method 1. Charity. The voluntary act of giving a sum of money to an organization who then gives the money to one or more persons in need.

Method 2. Capitalism. The basics of economics, buying and selling of products that generates a redistribution from consumer to producer to employees.

Method 3. Government. The forceable act of using taxation rates to increase the tax on those at a certain tax bracket and easing the tax rates on those below.

How does Obama's plan effect you? For more than 1/3rd the population of America, it won't. They don't pay taxes, or earn just enough money to receive money from the government at tax time. The top 5% of money earners in the US will be taxed heavily and the bottom percent will get checks for not even working.

Still sound fair? Try on this. Redistribution of Wealth can also be compared to the Trickle-down effect. The more money you make, the more you get taxed, and that money is suppose to work its way down to those below you. Good idea right? Wrong, many Americans think that they are the bottom rung on the ladder and they think that its not going to effect them. How wrong they are. The only group to benefit from this idea are those that truly are at the bottom, those that have no source of income, or such a small source that it is insignificant.

Wrap yourself around this novel concept. I work in an IT field, I make about $25k a year, which for me is pretty good, if I stay at my job, my tax rate will probably remain the same, but someone that is making considerably less than I am is going to receive a bigger chunk of the new "pie" than I am. I decide to up and quit and start a new job that is just barely minimum wage. I can then earn more because I am doing less or hardly anything at all. Does that seem fair?

Call it what you want, but to me the idea of Redistribution of Wealth is just another crutch for welfare recipients to get more and do less.

Congratulations Obama, you have become like the pied piper, and gathered millions of welfare children to your doorstep just to get the seat of President. Great job. Now, where's my check?

Vote Nationalist, Vote Green Party, Vote for yourself. Show the Government that we are NOT a two party system. We will not continue to be preyed upon by those who only care about themselves.