People that think about things they shouldn't think about.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

YOU: *crunchmunch* *hackwheezecough* ME:**cringes**

Okay, today is the day that I finally take a few minutes of your life away from your busy schedule to explain a few things that really really really annoy the rat piss out of me.

1. When you call for technical support, dont hold the phone in such a way that the mic is next to your nose. I dont like hearing the rythmic rattle of your nasel congestion in a hurricane. Please, I would rather be on speaker phone than listen to you breathe.

2. Speaking of speaker phone. I have several issues with that, 1, turn your damn tv off or the volume down. I really dont want to try to fight listening to you talk while some talk show host is in the background with music blaring. Turn off your cell while your at it.

3. Instead of calling in from your home phone and describing that you are having phone issues and cannot place or recieve calls, don't get pissy when the tech you call and speak to suddenly disappears when (s)he resets your modem. We reset them to fix issues and if your on it, its gonna cause it to not work.

4. (insert service here) not working? Don't wait until the last minute before you are supposed to leave for your vacation and expect us to have your service work the moment you need it. Get a freaking clue and call when the problem happens so we can fix it then, not later.

5. Chewing things, snot bubbles, gas bubbles. Let me explain something here. If you wouldnt want someone doing those things right in front of your face, why do you think its okay to do it in our ears? Call us after you have had breakfast, spit out the gum, blow you freaking nose, and take some Gas-X.

Get it? I doubt it, but I hope you do get it.


Kimpak said...

Bleck, people making noises on the phone annoy the hell out of me, its all I can do to hold myself back from telling them to put the damn bowl of crunchy McCrunchnuts down so we can have a conversation. I would like to add something to your list too, Don't call while your in the bathroom! First, the accoustics suck so we can't hear you and second, hearing various bodily functions and toilet flushes is just plain gross.

Schwah said...

omg i had an individual call and was constantly chewing, burping, coughing/hacking/ chewing LOUDLY and opened mouth, i was soo grossed out, i just wanted to reach thru the phone punch him in the jaw and be like THERE CHEW NOW BIATCH!