Last night on my ride home from Indianola I followed a friends advice and had my single bright headlight on so I could see the road better, and allow drivers to see me better. Well, I was less than 2 miles from home when an oncoming SUV decided to flash his brights at me as well as honk, I did what every self respecting road rager would do, I flipped him off and continued my way home. Well, captain numbnuts decided to take it upon himself to whip around and follow me with his brights on. So I pulled into Casey's and lifted my visor, and he started yelling that it was rude to leave my brights on. I calmly stated that I had my bright on for visibility and that 99% of all car/motorcycle accidents, the driver of the car states that they didnt see the motorcyclist. He had a confused look, and I asked him if he was aware of that statistic then asked him if he saw me. He said he did, thats why he flashed his brights, I stated.. "Good, then I know that you werent going to hit me, possibly killing me." He gasped a couple times like he was searching for oxygen for his single brain cell, and I said. "Sir, I could argue with you all day about safety for cars, truck and motorcycles, but I have a girlfriend I want to get home to. Is there anything else you would like to say?" He just backed out of the spot and drove on.
Your car has at least 2 lights. some have 4, even more have 6. If my one single headlight is so bright that it upsets you, perhaps you should consider how bright your brights are to a motorcyclist. Until then, my brights stay on at night.