People that think about things they shouldn't think about.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Joe the Plumber?!??

Okay, now I have to be honest here, I don't care at all for the current level of politics in the United States. But this media attack on the guy who is supposed to represent the average 'Joe', who is getting investigated and probed and poked and proded by the media is utter bull crap. Here is a guy that caught media attention by asking one of the presidential candidates a valid question about how the government is going to ass-rape him and his company if he exceeds $250,000 in earnings.

Now they (the media) drag this average Joe thru the grinder and find out that he owes $xxxx in back taxes... Okay. so now Joe is a bad guy and his question is no longer valid? Does that mean if I owe $XX,000 in education loans that I am a bad guy, and that my needs are not valid as well?

I am glad that we have an impartial media who respects the rights and opinions of its reader base by not being bias and by not using someone elses history against political candidates.

No matter your political views, I beg you, implore you, educate yourself on all sides of the political dice. I use dice because there are more than just 2 people competing for the position of President of these United States. Vote your heart, not your fathers affiliation.

Fallout 3 Release

As you can see, there is a timer for Fallout 3. This game releases soon, and I have been looking forward to it for quite some time. Now here comes the hard part... I dont know if I will be 'involved' after I get this game. I know its going to occupy 90% of my waking life (except work)... My Rachel have mercy on my soul!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hey Bubba Joe! I wonder that this thing does? *CLICK*

I am bored. I am manic. I am going to do what ever I can to either piss you off, make you smile, or elicit any other emotion from your tired, worn down, dragged thru the mud, stepped on, crapped on, emotionally void butt and get you to show us some feelings.

As you can read in the title, my rant today is about the stupid shit we do every day that confirms that Darwin was actually right. Good God!

A 19 year old male fell to his death in Harlem, NY the other day. He and a friend were on the top of a 6 story building, dropping eggs from the roof as a prank. They were spotted and the 19 year old decided to run for it and instead of coming down the stairs, he lept a retaining wall thinking that there was another roof on the other side, only to discover that there wasnt. Imagine the look of shock when gravity took over from there. O.O = x.x

Now, I have done more than my fair share of hooligan things in the past, but I almost always ALWAYS had an exit stragedy. No suprises for ol Mrs Shadowhunters son!

On a lighter note, the stocks are down, and our government decided it would be a great idea to bail out our financial system in order to save the system from failure... stocks are still down. I wonder what the BTU(British Thermal Unit) of a bundle of $100 bills is. Think it will be warm enough for me to make sure Rachel doesnt freeze?

"Stupid is as Stupid does" - Forrest Gump

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


For those of you that dont know i do have my own blog spot but put more of my randomness on there where this is more of a rant or HA type blog so i may double post and i apologize to those of you who follow both and for those that dont is my addy to my Randomness blog.

So i really didnt want to do this but i think its soo funny and classic like something you would see in a movie type thing so here is my conversation with my ex roomate. things started on sat when i had my best friend, who now lives in vegas, show up to hang out, well roomate was fully moved out so i decided to move my couch and two chairs upstairs becuase we would be drinking and that way we would be closer to the beer and b-room. all is well right :D i get an email on 10/14 from the ex-roomate stating: Normally in a situation like this i would be bitchy and say WHAT THE FUK IS GOING ON. BUT in not going to. Mainly because i forsaw this happening. i wasnt completely positive you were going to screw me over till you asked for your dishes the other night. Then came you ignoring me ect. Well im not pissed. maybe its for the best. I think we were better friends when we didnt live together. I know you planned this. Not like all of a sudden the night before you can just come up with 2 people to live with you. But hey Im glad you found someone at least. Like i said before im not mad pissed ect. Gotta find anotehr roomie for a lil bit but thats ok. We will manage. If you still wanna be friends mail or text me some time. If not then dont lol. TTUL BUD well if you choose. now for the funny part here are the texts as follows:Me: Just got your email what is that supposed to mean?Him: What u think?Me: well i dont have anyone moving in with me ive been packing so you have assume thingsHim: Not wat we was told.Me: who you getting your information thru cause i dont know what the hell your talking aboutHim: Ur neighbors said u had 2 guys movn in sat night.Me: Ha thats funny i moved my couch and two chairs upstairs so i guess that means i have a new roomate who visits occasionally from las vegas where he is in the air force and just got back from iraqHim: Oh. evalyn said u had ppl movn in.Me: nope but i guess i m now moving in with my parentsHim: Sorry. We askd stinky 2 move in till jan cuz we was told u had roomiesMe: well your loss next time ask me instead of getting false information from someone who has no clue what the hell they are talking aboutHim: Yeah def my loss. Wuld rathr it b u. sorry man. makes me feel like an ass now.Me: that and im not too happy eitherHim: Dnt blame u. Im so snrry dude.This is all word for word no lies i will show you the proof!! :D moral of the story: Dont assume what someone tells u is what really is going on. go to the person and face to face ask them. I dont know where i will go from here with the ex-roomate. We were really good friends, even living together we got along, it was his g/f that would cause our issues. I guess i should not be mad at him since i didnt want to tell him i was actually moving in with my parents over him to save money and to pay off my debts. So in the long run it did work out on my half but im in a pickle, since it wont hurt him not to know i was really moving in with my parents and not him do i ethically tell him or leave it to myself? Either way i still wanna be friends so i think i might just keep that to myself and let him be the dumbass for once since they pretty well screwed me in the long run. Well thats it for now, untill next time....

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hey! Buddy! Yeah, you in the front row!

How many of you can remember the following:

1. What you wanted to be when you grew up?
2. The name of your favorite toy?
3. Your best friend in the whole world?
4. Your first day at school or a new school?
5. The first time you realized that the opposite sex wasnt a cootie-coated monstrosity?
6. Your first kiss?
7. Your first real kiss?
8. The first time you realized that you were happy, no matter what?
9. The first time you realized what it means to be in love with someone?
10. The worse time you and a loved one fought? (not related to you)
11. The first time you threw up after an arguement of any kind?

Let me tell you my answers. I wanted to be an astronaught when I was a kid, I can remember bits and pieces of the Apollo space missions being televised, but I couldnt tell you which missions they were. But I knew in my heart I wanted to go into space.
My favoritist toy I ever had was anything I got my hands on that I could imagine was something else. A stick was a rifle/sword/lightsaber... A rock was a car/grenade/rock... My best friend was a kid named Stoney, we did pretty much everything together, put pennies on the railroad track, rode our bikes all over our neighborhood, explored everything that was not fenced to keep us out. My first day at school is not much more than a faded memory, not even a flicker of where I was at the time, but I can remember the first school play I watched. The Wizard of Oz, and to this day I still dont know how they made the wicked witch melt into the gym floor.
I remember my first crush, Kerri Ashley, she was brown haired girl in the 3rd grade with me. A couple years later I was getting my vaccine updated when I met her mom. Kerri didnt even know I existed.

I remember my first kiss, Christina Pinkerton, she lived in my neighborhood but went to a different elementary school. All of us kids in the group would run around from dawn to dusk(or later), and I think it was kind on natural that we were our first kiss. Granted my cousin kinda helped me see the light. My first real kiss came from a gal that my high school friend set me up with. We decided to walk home from school, and we were over 4 hours late getting her home.

The first time I really, truely and completely felt happy was the day I asked Rachel to be my girlfriend. I was happy before that day when Rachel and I would go roller blading, biking, walking or just sit together and talk. But I was happy, more than any other time in my life. My first time with thinking I was truely in love with someone also came with Rachel, in the past I always thought I was in love with my girlfriend, but I always 'knew' it would end up bad, maybe self prophesy occurred, and most of those relationships ended poorly. But with Rachel, its very much different, she is always first and formost on my mind, and I think about her needs before mine. That is what I think true love is.

Mind you, I have had several bad arguements(fights) with my significant others, but the one that I let boil over the last 5 months just completely blew up in my face last night. You see, Rachel is not only the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with, she is also one of my best friends, one of the guys so to speak. And because she is always there for me, I tend to vent my frustrations for things at her, and she cant handle the stress that I have added to her life. So, last night I exploded, I was upset that Roommate doesnt put forth an effort to help keep the kitchen area clean, trash will just sit, until I get frustrated and take it out myself, dishes will pile up and at one point, there was not a single clean dish in the whole kitchen, I finally got upset and did the damn things myself, and I all got from anyone else, was a thank you from Rachel with the crevat of 'I was going to do it today.' That stirred the simmering pot and festered, then last night the comment that was made that an annoyance of mine might not be someone elses annoyance just pushed me over the edge and I lost it. Any of you have an elder member of your family that canned foods? Ever seen when a pressure cooker goes postal, and shoots greenbeans and bacon all over the ceiling? not pretty! I was within a hairs breadth of losing the only woman in my life that means more to me than even myself. After the whole arguement, I ended up throwing up, and that was a first as well.

I prayed last night as I drifted into a restless sleep that I find the right ways to communicate more effectively with everyone around me. And that I can find the way to repair my relationship.

Please forgive me.


Monday, October 13, 2008

Weekend with the Kids

Guys? Remind me to never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever never ever invite a two-year-old over for more than a couple of hours without first having some two-year-old toys.

On the up-side, said two-year-old found four of our lost scissors and prompted us to clean up a lot of the clutter in the dining/living room. Especially the acrylic and spray paints.

Wow, a game company's greed!

Blizzard has announced recently that they are not releasing StarCraft 2 as they had released StarCraft 1. Instead, they will be releasing it as 3 seperate games. Ladies and gentlemen gamers, you are about to be screwed by Blizzard for the game you have wanted for 11 years. Now if you are like me and want to play all three races, you will have to shell out $50-$65 per title, thats $150-195 over the course of a year to play the same damn game.

I guess that the Designers at Blizzard need to buy a new Lamborgini this year. Hell after their ongoing success of WoW, they need thier 3rd Lambo...

Frankly, I dont know what I will do, but I might end up getting in trouble and 'borrowing' the other two versions after paying for the first.

At least Half-Life 2 Episodes were $25 each, and included extra stuff like Team Fortress and Portal.

Greedy bastards.