Only 4 more days until all hell breaks loose, so I ask, Are you ready?
A guy is walking to his favorite diner and as he walked in he passed a homeless guy standing on the corner holding up a "Vote for Obama" sign. The guy smiles and he walks into the diner and as the waiter approaches he notices the waiter is wearing an "Obama" button.
When the meal was completed, the waiter delivered the check and the guy left $0 for the tip. the waiter then asked why he didnt tip, and the guy states "I am going to put this Redistribution of Wealth idea into practice, and the waiter followed the guy outside and the guy gave the homeless guy $10.
Now the waiter earned that tip, and was pissed that the homeless guy didnt do squat and got paid $10.
I ask you, do you want someone to earn your hard earned money for doing nothing?
Health Care:
Now, let me ask you this... What would you say to the idea that you only have to pay $1000 for open heart surgery? Now what would you say to the idea that you only have to pay $1000 for a hang-nail? sound fair? Socialized medicine is such a waste of breath. You want cheap healthcare? join the military.
So, are you ready?
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Personal Responsibility: Crime and Punishment
So, this may or may not be a long rant, but here goes.
Employee Smith is a high ranking official in the security division of the company's IT department. One day Smith goes off and makes a few wagers on a sporting event and loses his shirt, as well as his car, house, 401k, and family pet. He knows he cant fork over the kind of money he bet on a sure-win. He finds out he has access to hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of private information that his company has stored for its clients. He decides to make money and 'borrow' the information and accidently lose it and mysteriously find a couple hundred grand in his bank account. He gets caught. Should he A) be fired on the spot and black listed from future jobs in that field, B) fired and sent to jail for XX number of years, or C) get a reprimand from his bosses and told not to do it again?
Employee Jones, has a pretty high level of permissions from the company. In an innocent attempt to make his life easier, he breaches security and posts something not to be designated for public view. Information that could lead to 10's of thousands of clients from being able to access vital resourses that the company provides. He gets caught. Should he A) be fired on the spot, B) get a disciplinary action against him C) slap on his hand from his bosses and told not to do it again?
Both instances can be potentially hazardous to the continued well being of the company, but do the crimes match? and should the punishments be what they are?
Both are victims of thier own circumstance, yet both will blame other things than themselves in hopes that they wont get punished as bad. Sadly, this lack of personal responsibility is not a natural trait, its very much a learned condition and as such will never go away if superior employees do not take it upon themselves to rid their company of such harmful responses to harmful actions.
Personal Accountability.
If I am pulling into a parking space and I miss judge the space and scrape the car, I would probably 1. feel really horrible that I messed up someones car, but I would also leave my information with that car so that the owner can contact me and we can exchange information... Too many times has this happened and the guy/gal has pulled out of the spot (usually doing double damage) only to go park some where else further away...
Only in America can you be ignorant and get awarded $millions for burning your 80-year old cooch with hot coffee from McDonalds. Only in America can you blindly change lanes into an 18-wheeler and have your brand new lexus totalled, then sue the trucking company $millions for not being able to have 'intimate relations' with your spouse. Only in America can you threaten to sue to get your way. "My lawyer can beat up your lawyer."
Welcome to the litigation nation!
Ladies and gentlemen, its is with heavy heart and mind that I tell you that it is okay to sue a school district and make them pay you to have your kid not go to school due to some 'affliction' to learning.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is okay to sue your neighbor because his apple tree liters in your yard.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is okay to sue a retailer because their advertising of half naked bodies gives you a tingle in the place where your priest used to touch you.
Ladies and gentlemen, its time that I, no, WE file a class action lawsuit against lawyers everywhere for the injustice they have helped create, and for the countless millions of people they have taken advantage of and for all the people who have had their most basic level of logic and common sense taken away all in the name of 'justice.'
Employee Smith is a high ranking official in the security division of the company's IT department. One day Smith goes off and makes a few wagers on a sporting event and loses his shirt, as well as his car, house, 401k, and family pet. He knows he cant fork over the kind of money he bet on a sure-win. He finds out he has access to hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of private information that his company has stored for its clients. He decides to make money and 'borrow' the information and accidently lose it and mysteriously find a couple hundred grand in his bank account. He gets caught. Should he A) be fired on the spot and black listed from future jobs in that field, B) fired and sent to jail for XX number of years, or C) get a reprimand from his bosses and told not to do it again?
Employee Jones, has a pretty high level of permissions from the company. In an innocent attempt to make his life easier, he breaches security and posts something not to be designated for public view. Information that could lead to 10's of thousands of clients from being able to access vital resourses that the company provides. He gets caught. Should he A) be fired on the spot, B) get a disciplinary action against him C) slap on his hand from his bosses and told not to do it again?
Both instances can be potentially hazardous to the continued well being of the company, but do the crimes match? and should the punishments be what they are?
Both are victims of thier own circumstance, yet both will blame other things than themselves in hopes that they wont get punished as bad. Sadly, this lack of personal responsibility is not a natural trait, its very much a learned condition and as such will never go away if superior employees do not take it upon themselves to rid their company of such harmful responses to harmful actions.
Personal Accountability.
If I am pulling into a parking space and I miss judge the space and scrape the car, I would probably 1. feel really horrible that I messed up someones car, but I would also leave my information with that car so that the owner can contact me and we can exchange information... Too many times has this happened and the guy/gal has pulled out of the spot (usually doing double damage) only to go park some where else further away...
Only in America can you be ignorant and get awarded $millions for burning your 80-year old cooch with hot coffee from McDonalds. Only in America can you blindly change lanes into an 18-wheeler and have your brand new lexus totalled, then sue the trucking company $millions for not being able to have 'intimate relations' with your spouse. Only in America can you threaten to sue to get your way. "My lawyer can beat up your lawyer."
Welcome to the litigation nation!
Ladies and gentlemen, its is with heavy heart and mind that I tell you that it is okay to sue a school district and make them pay you to have your kid not go to school due to some 'affliction' to learning.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is okay to sue your neighbor because his apple tree liters in your yard.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is okay to sue a retailer because their advertising of half naked bodies gives you a tingle in the place where your priest used to touch you.
Ladies and gentlemen, its time that I, no, WE file a class action lawsuit against lawyers everywhere for the injustice they have helped create, and for the countless millions of people they have taken advantage of and for all the people who have had their most basic level of logic and common sense taken away all in the name of 'justice.'
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The following message is...
Greetings and salutations fellow readers of Chainmail Madness. Todays episode is brought to you by the letters "m" "l" "n".
As you have read, the letters m l and n in the right order looks vaguely like flipping someone off. mln, depending on which font you use, but the symbolism is there. Anyway, I am sitting here at work trying to determine what I wanted to write about and this idea pops into my head after I smile at a coworker and give him the universal salute.
'The Finger', or 'The Bird', can date its history all the way back to roman times. It was then, as it is now, an insult, with a wide variety of uses. Many cultures use different versions of the bird, but all mean pretty much the same, "Buddy, your #1."
Now, I asked myself this morning, why is it that I grin like an idiot and flip off some of my co-workers. Honestly, I have no idea, but it is fun to have a cheesy grin plastered on my face and drop the subtle hint to my friends that they are #1 in my book. So, if you get the random finger, dont feel insulted, its just my way of saying... bugger off!
Now on to more important issues:
Important issue #1: Technology failure. My Xbox 360 died last night at 4:30pm. Funeral services will be held tomorrow at the United Postal Service annex in Norwalk. Shipping has been paid by Microsoft for the known issue that the Xbox has with graphics cards failing. Please offer any support and condolances to Rusty in his time of grief.
Important issue #2: Technology failure. My PC died a week prior, the motherboard and or processor committed ritual suicide. There was a note left on the screen, "No keyboard present or found." The keyboard was questioned in the suicide being a primary suspect for foul play, however keyboards alabi was verified by the mouse and a laptop. Plans on replacing the motherboard and cpu are in the works, but no eta at this time.
Important issue #3: Relationship report. Due to the overwhelming need to vent frustrations towards anyone and everyone that would listen, my girlfriend of just over a year has been the target recipient of many of my rants, which caused untold pain and mental anguish for her. All is not good at this time, but with my resolution to find adequate counseling services for my needs (anger management, relationship, etc) If I start acting wierd, please bear with me, this is a work in progress.
Important issue #4: Entertainment report. Today I get to pick up my copy of Fallout 3. But due to issue number #2 I cannot play until new motherboard is aquired. So, the sadness will begin today when I get the game.
Wish me luck.. Wish Rachel luck.. Wish us both luck.
As you have read, the letters m l and n in the right order looks vaguely like flipping someone off. mln, depending on which font you use, but the symbolism is there. Anyway, I am sitting here at work trying to determine what I wanted to write about and this idea pops into my head after I smile at a coworker and give him the universal salute.
'The Finger', or 'The Bird', can date its history all the way back to roman times. It was then, as it is now, an insult, with a wide variety of uses. Many cultures use different versions of the bird, but all mean pretty much the same, "Buddy, your #1."
Now, I asked myself this morning, why is it that I grin like an idiot and flip off some of my co-workers. Honestly, I have no idea, but it is fun to have a cheesy grin plastered on my face and drop the subtle hint to my friends that they are #1 in my book. So, if you get the random finger, dont feel insulted, its just my way of saying... bugger off!
Now on to more important issues:
Important issue #1: Technology failure. My Xbox 360 died last night at 4:30pm. Funeral services will be held tomorrow at the United Postal Service annex in Norwalk. Shipping has been paid by Microsoft for the known issue that the Xbox has with graphics cards failing. Please offer any support and condolances to Rusty in his time of grief.
Important issue #2: Technology failure. My PC died a week prior, the motherboard and or processor committed ritual suicide. There was a note left on the screen, "No keyboard present or found." The keyboard was questioned in the suicide being a primary suspect for foul play, however keyboards alabi was verified by the mouse and a laptop. Plans on replacing the motherboard and cpu are in the works, but no eta at this time.
Important issue #3: Relationship report. Due to the overwhelming need to vent frustrations towards anyone and everyone that would listen, my girlfriend of just over a year has been the target recipient of many of my rants, which caused untold pain and mental anguish for her. All is not good at this time, but with my resolution to find adequate counseling services for my needs (anger management, relationship, etc) If I start acting wierd, please bear with me, this is a work in progress.
Important issue #4: Entertainment report. Today I get to pick up my copy of Fallout 3. But due to issue number #2 I cannot play until new motherboard is aquired. So, the sadness will begin today when I get the game.
Wish me luck.. Wish Rachel luck.. Wish us both luck.
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