Last night I was having an issue with my phone, and I called support and we went thru the motions of getting my G1 fixed. At then end of the call, I thanked her for being there when I needed her. I think it threw her off. I honestly think that in the world of fast paced communications and tele-support, no one stops to think that we are humans just like you.
This is a copy of what I wanted to send to the Des Moines Register, they wouldnt print it because they wanted to include my name. Due to security reasons at work, I didnt want to get fired. so here is what I wrote.
Dear Des Moines,
From the bottom of my heart, I beg of you all to consider the following when you are attempting to contact customer support for your services. Whether its for your Internet provider, your mobile phone company, even your bank. The live person you are speaking to is just that, another living breathing human just like you that has a job, house notes, car payments, and screaming kids just like you. Yet, that impersonal device on your hand glued to your ear, your phone, grants you some unwritten permission that gives you authoriity to treat your customer service provider with the foulest attitudes, venomous words, and threats that you yourself wouldnt put up with from someone face to face, yet everyday you call us and sling these at us like they were beads at mardi gras. It truly bothers me that my polite bank teller is a raving lunatic on the phone when she calls me for support. I am not trash, I am your customer service provider. Remember, you called me for help, I didn't call you.
Now, mind you, I know lots of people in the customer service industry that feel like I do, why then cannot the paper publish it under an 'pen name?' I am pretty sure that other papers would be more than willing to alter the names to protect the innocent... Oh well. yet another attempt to educate these rotten brained foul mouth, lazy people shot down by a rotten brained foul mouth customer.