People that think about things they shouldn't think about.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Fallout 3 Release

As you can see, there is a timer for Fallout 3. This game releases soon, and I have been looking forward to it for quite some time. Now here comes the hard part... I dont know if I will be 'involved' after I get this game. I know its going to occupy 90% of my waking life (except work)... My Rachel have mercy on my soul!


Schwah said...

amen to that brotha! maybe i can bring my box over and we can play on two tv's but at the same time. to laugh it up and get crunk on dat shiz.

Kimpak said...

If I get it, it would be for PC, but not untill after I build my new one. X-box is cool and all but I dont' think I'll get one any time soon. I do miss rockband though, I roxzors at it.

Rusty said...

PC only.. cant get modded maps and weapons on the xbox.