For those of you that dont know i do have my own blog spot but put more of my randomness on there where this is more of a rant or HA type blog so i may double post and i apologize to those of you who follow both and for those that dont is my addy to my Randomness blog.
So i really didnt want to do this but i think its soo funny and classic like something you would see in a movie type thing so here is my conversation with my ex roomate. things started on sat when i had my best friend, who now lives in vegas, show up to hang out, well roomate was fully moved out so i decided to move my couch and two chairs upstairs becuase we would be drinking and that way we would be closer to the beer and b-room. all is well right :D i get an email on 10/14 from the ex-roomate stating: Normally in a situation like this i would be bitchy and say WHAT THE FUK IS GOING ON. BUT in not going to. Mainly because i forsaw this happening. i wasnt completely positive you were going to screw me over till you asked for your dishes the other night. Then came you ignoring me ect. Well im not pissed. maybe its for the best. I think we were better friends when we didnt live together. I know you planned this. Not like all of a sudden the night before you can just come up with 2 people to live with you. But hey Im glad you found someone at least. Like i said before im not mad pissed ect. Gotta find anotehr roomie for a lil bit but thats ok. We will manage. If you still wanna be friends mail or text me some time. If not then dont lol. TTUL BUD well if you choose. now for the funny part here are the texts as follows:Me: Just got your email what is that supposed to mean?Him: What u think?Me: well i dont have anyone moving in with me ive been packing so you have assume thingsHim: Not wat we was told.Me: who you getting your information thru cause i dont know what the hell your talking aboutHim: Ur neighbors said u had 2 guys movn in sat night.Me: Ha thats funny i moved my couch and two chairs upstairs so i guess that means i have a new roomate who visits occasionally from las vegas where he is in the air force and just got back from iraqHim: Oh. evalyn said u had ppl movn in.Me: nope but i guess i m now moving in with my parentsHim: Sorry. We askd stinky 2 move in till jan cuz we was told u had roomiesMe: well your loss next time ask me instead of getting false information from someone who has no clue what the hell they are talking aboutHim: Yeah def my loss. Wuld rathr it b u. sorry man. makes me feel like an ass now.Me: that and im not too happy eitherHim: Dnt blame u. Im so snrry dude.This is all word for word no lies i will show you the proof!! :D moral of the story: Dont assume what someone tells u is what really is going on. go to the person and face to face ask them. I dont know where i will go from here with the ex-roomate. We were really good friends, even living together we got along, it was his g/f that would cause our issues. I guess i should not be mad at him since i didnt want to tell him i was actually moving in with my parents over him to save money and to pay off my debts. So in the long run it did work out on my half but im in a pickle, since it wont hurt him not to know i was really moving in with my parents and not him do i ethically tell him or leave it to myself? Either way i still wanna be friends so i think i might just keep that to myself and let him be the dumbass for once since they pretty well screwed me in the long run. Well thats it for now, untill next time....
1 comment:
I would just let it be and not tell him. Is up to you if you want to save the friendship.
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