Now, everyone knows that people, in general, can be very educated in their field of expertise. Doctors are very brilliant people. Police Officers are very skilled. And Tech support representatives are not only very brilliant, the are also very skilled. Many of us have expertise in several fields, such as PC repair, website development, Network administration. But by no means are we stupid when it comes to matters such as finances or personal communication.
What does all this mean? It means that when you call in to speak with your support representative, its like calling your Doctor, except we can diagnose your problems over the phone, unlike your Doctor. We don't charge you for talking to us, and 9 times out of 10 we can fix your problem.
Here is a perfect example of someone that knows exactly what she is doing, yet doesn't get it when explained to her. Student goes home for the Xmas holidays, her service goes in to past due status and gets cut off. She calls in in the middle of January upset that she is getting billed for the service she wasn't home to use. She demanded a credit to her account. I politely proceeded to to tell her I could not credit her account because she 1. did not call in with any issues. 2. the acct was past due and disconnected, and 3. she didn't downgrade to vacation settings while she was gone. She got upset and thought this was unfair and demanded to speak with a supervisor. I then asked her this question. If you parked your car in the long term parking at the airport, then flew on a 1 month trip to Europe, then came back and found a notice in the mail that your payment is past due for your car payment and they were going to repossess your car, are you going to demand credit cause you couldn't drive it? She said No, I asked her then why ask us for credit.. she refused to answer and wanted to speak with someone else. I transfered her to customer service and told him exactly what she was trying to do. Funny part is she was sent to collections for being really past due. mwuahahaha!
Moral of her story, while she was smart enough to try to find the loop-holes, she tried opening the wrong one and got what she deserved.
My friendly reminder to all of you readers. While you are smart at what you do, you are not as smart as the guy/gal that is helping you... thats why you called them for help.

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