People that think about things they shouldn't think about.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Finding ... something...

How can you find something you're not even sure you lost? How can you feel like you lost something if you don't know it's missing?

Am I going thru a mid-week crisis? I do not desire to be at work, I do not desire to stay at home. Not that there are any problems at either location, I just feel cooped up and need to escape. But, I have no where to go...

Maybe its a winter funk.. I don't know.

That lost something... maybe it's my creativity that's missing. Maybe it's not lost but being overshadowed by the sense of being burned out. Maybe I am getting tired of dealing with the severe case of stupid that humanity has to offer. All walks of life all maner of humanity, for 8 hours I have to listen to sob stories, people with anger management issue, people that seem to have Tourette's syndrome, and a myriad of other reasons that can be assigned to one stupid person treating someone else like a piece of shit.

Maybe I just need more sleep.


1 comment:

Kimpak said...

I know what you mean dude. Many a time I've driven to work or driven home and just let my mind wander as to what would happen if I just kept on Minnesota or Misouri (depending on which way I was going)....I hate winter.