Recently I put just over $200 on a WWII rifle, a piece of history. This is something I felt I not only needed as a WWII history buff, but for my survival in the coming years. Yet, it, along with many other Curio's and Relics, may be destined to be banned by the government due to its capability. Now Democrats are all about gun control. "Take away the guns, and you will have a safer place to live." I call BULLS**T! I use an example here, and my numbers may be off, but bear with me because the point is still true. The State of Texas decided in the late 90's to allow gun owners to purchase "Carry and Conceal" permits for their handguns. Within weeks of that making the news, car jackings in the city of Houston dropped by 25%. Muggings fell at or near the same rate. You tell me that guns are bad? Gun control cannot be done because badguys will still find ways to get the guns, its called a "Black Market." So, ladies and gents, I would highly recommend if you do not own a gun, invest in one, protect your rights, your family, and our future. And now my favorite quote about gun control..
"Guns dont kill people, people kill people."
And another favorite quote,
"Gun control means hitting what you aim for."
Now I introduce to you the first ever graph that has made me laugh:

Okay.. I am done for now.
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