People that think about things they shouldn't think about.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Rudeness, bulk foods, rich people, What do these have in common?

Yesterday, my Girlfriend and I made a terrible mistake. We went grocery shopping. So we went to Costco. Costco is not necessarily a bad thing if you A) own a restraunt, B) Have a large family, and C) dont mind stocking up on food for the turn of the century.

At it happens, I like big potatoes, huge ones. great for baked potatoes and potato salad, and mashed potatoes. I also happen to like dried fruit, and its a good place to get lots of paper products. Anyway instead of continuing to toot the horn of bulk warehouse places, I am going to do something suprising.... SUPRISE!!!

Haha. Now on to the answer.

Is it me, or are people just so narcissistic that they cant see the 400lb. 7ft tall guy wearing a bright yellow racing jacket pushing a cart fully laden with groceries? I had to stop my cart, which was so loaded down with crap that it was like trying to stop a freight train and this broad just walks right in front of me, our carts dont collide but they come close, and she just keeps right on walking. So I say "Escuse the fuck out of me!" and get this... everyone looks at the commotion, and I am turned into the bad guy cause I am 7ft tall and 400lb. Fucking hate people. so I glared back at the one person glaring at me, and my girlfriend took my hand and we continued shopping. I have two words for rude people... FUCK OFF.

Bulk Foods,
Bulk food warehouses are a haven for rich, snotty people to buy lots of crap for less than they would pay at a regular store. They think they need 12 huge squirt bottles of mustard to last them a year and a half. And guess what. Rich snotty people are rude.

Rich People,
Enough said. FUCK OFF rich rude people that shop at warehouses for shit you dont need.

peace... at least until the next time I go shopping... I may freight train the bastards and then fall down gripping my knee or groin and bump my head on the way down and see exactly how fast they decide to react... then sue the piss out of them and take their H2 and burn it in front of their house for them being stupid.

hrm. too much pent up rage... I need a beer or three.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Your exagerations make me laugh. ^^ Blogging is a good way to vent. I'm glad you're not this angry irl. <3