People that think about things they shouldn't think about.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

OMG, its an interwebs emergencies.

What is an internet emergency? Lets explore the words internet and emergency.
e·mer·gen·cy - plural -cies, adjective –noun
1. a sudden, urgent, usually unexpected occurrence or occasion requiring immediate action.
2. a state, esp. of need for help or relief, created by some unexpected event: a weather emergency; a financial emergency.
3. granted, used, or for use in an emergency: an emergency leave; emergency lights.

In·ter·net –noun
a vast computer network linking smaller computer networks worldwide (usually prec. by the). The Internet includes commercial, educational, governmental, and other networks, all of which use the same set of communications protocols.

While our dependence upon the internet has changed from a luxury item to a necessity for many users, there are a few guidelines that one should follow.

1. When calling your ISP to get your "Blankety-blank" internet to work, please keep in mind that we dont care if your (insert poor relative here) is dying and needs to send you email. Get off your butt and drive to her place and check on her.

2. If you have not been able to get online for the last ## number of days, dont call us expecting us to jump right on that. You're going to have to wait in line just like everyone else. And if your internet is so damn important, why didnt you call ## number of days ago?

3. If you arent going to take the time to establish a series of security questions for our CSR's to verify your identity, dont complain to us when someone calls in saying they are you and change your services. And definately dont complain when we tell you we cant help you because you cant verify anything.

4. If you think that you can run a home based business with your residential account, and expect to get business quality service, you can expect three things. A. You will be told you are in violation of the Acceptable Use Policy, B. You can get your services terminated, and C. You ARE NOT going to get service any faster.

5. We do not service or troubleshoot software or hardware related issues unless they directly affect you not getting to the internet. If you are getting a Blue Screen when you open IE, contact a PC tech, dont yell at us when you waited 45 minutes for us to tell you to call a PC tech.

6. Equipment familiarization. People take for granted things like breathing clean air, drinking clean water, but no where in any laws does it say you have a right to yell because you are asked to reset your modem. This isnt rocket science, you unplug a cord, you plug it back in. Simple. Except for you simpletons that couldnt find your butt with both hands an a map in a well lit room full of cameras with 1000 different angles for you to reference.

So, now I ask you, is your problem truely an emergency?

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